Statistics on current oil prices or historical trends in the oil and gas industry can be found in numerous places. The purpose of this page is not to be an exhaustive list of all sources of information, but to help you identify some of the most referenced sources of information on various topics so that you can quickly access the information you need with minimal searching. Some statistics are available free of charge; others may require purchase to obtain details or history.
American Petroleum Institute — API is the primary source for U.S. well completions data. API prepares the Joint Association Survey on Drilling Costs, a detailed report on the average cost of drilling wells by state and depth in the U.S. API also provides weekly U.S. refinery statistics, a monthly U.S. supply/demand report and other information. API publishes a printed compilation of a wide range of energy statistics from many primary sources. Some API information is available online, but only to subscribers. Most information must be ordered from API. API prepared a study that estimates volumes of E&P wastes in the U.S., which may be available for download through their website.
Baker Hughes — Baker Hughes is the primary source for U.S. and Canadian active drilling rig count data (weekly), international drilling rig count data (monthly) and U.S. and Canadian workover rig count data (monthly). Information, including a time series history, can be downloaded from their website.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy — This report covers oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, primary energy, renewables, and electricity. In each area it provides information on issues such as supply, demand, reserves, prices, stocks, and trade movements. The Review brings together statistics from a wide variety of primary sources. Certain data and graphics are available online. The report can be downloaded in full or in part as a pdf, with the graphics as a separate Powerpoint presentation that can also be downloaded.
International Energy Agency — IEA is a primary source for information on consumption, imports, exports, and stocks in developed and developing countries. IEA reports include other statistics also (e.g., production), as well as market analyses. Some of their reports can be accessed via the website; others must be ordered.
International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (ITOPF) — ITOPF collects and disseminates historical data on number, frequency, cause, size, and cost, of oil spills. Most data are available through their website.
ODS-Petrodata — ODS-Petrodata compiles data on the worldwide offshore rig fleet, including location, active rig count, and current day rates. Some of this information is available through the company's website.
Oil & Gas Journal — The Oil & Gas Journal is a primary source for oil and gas reserves by country worldwide, along with oil production (by country and, in some cases, individual fields) and producing oil wells estimates. These statistics are published in a yearend issue of the magazine. OGJ maintains an online database of industry statistics that brings together most of the major sources of energy statistics worldwide. They make some information available in table form through their website. They also offer online research services (for a fee), and access to their online database (requires a subscription). Most of the information available through OGJ is also available from the original data sources, but the information may not be readily available online.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries — OPEC produces an annual statistical report on the production, reserves, exports, and refining capacity of its member countries. The report can be downloaded as a pdf from the OPEC website.
United Nations Statistics Division — The U.N. collects energy statistics from 190 countries and makes data available back to 1950. Because of the complexity of collecting individual country data, the most recent year available tends to be 3-4 years old (e.g., in April 2003, the most recent year available was 1999).
U.S Bureau of Census — Every 5 years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts an economic census of specific U.S. industry categories. The latest survey covers the year 1997. Data include number of employees, number of companies by size, capital expenditures, fuel consumption, and numerous indicators of economc value. The reports can be downloaded as pdf files.
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration — EIA is the statistical department of the U.S. Department of Energy. They compile a wide range of statistics on all energy sources within the U.S. — oil, natural gas, coal, electric power, and renewable energy. EIA also compiles reports on international energy statistics. EIA also produces special analyses of energy issues. Most EIA reports are available for download as pdf files from their website.
U.S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service — As the government agency responsible for the Gulf of Mexico (and other U.S. offshore regions), MMS is a primary source of information on offshore leases, platforms, production, and revenues. MMS also maintains statistics or fact sheets on other issues such as oil spills, safety, and wells drilled. Most material is available for download as a pdf or an Excel spreadsheet from the MMS website.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics — BLS estimates employment and earnings for various occupations within the U.S. oil and gas industry. The link is to the latest available data, for 2001.
World Oil — World Oil is one of the only sources of data on the number of wells drilled by country. This information is published as part of their Outlook issue early in the year and is not available online.
Sources for Daily Oil and Gas Prices
CNN/Money - Commodity Prices