18: Bioenergy - the directory of specialist companies
EnergyInsights.net is pleased to provide a directory of specialist BioEnergy companies :
Agrilectric Power Inc.
Uses custom designed power plants to convert rice husks from the milling process into electricity.
- American Ref-Fuel Co.
Manufacturer of waste-to-energy cogeneration systems. The company develops, manufactures and operates waste cogeneration systems throughout the country. This unit is a joint venture between Allied Waste Industries, Inc. and Duke Energy Power Services and United American Energy Corp. Products are sold to municipalities.
- Arkenol Inc
A technology and project development company whose focus is the construction and operation of biorefineries on a worldwide basis to produce a variety of biobased chemicals and transportation fuels from biomass.
- Associated Power Ltd.
A new approach to energy generation, gravity power, which promises to convert the force of gravity into power.
- Australian Biomass
International consultancy specializing in management of municipal waste streams including construction of landfill gas extraction systems.
- Bioenergy Basics
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Bioenergy site provides information about bioenergy, energy from biomass.
- Biomass Resource Information Clearinghouse
Website created by Biomass Resource Assessment Task providing biomass resource data and information for the United States including county by county atlas.
- British BioGen
Trade association to the UK bioenergy industry formed to promote and coordinate commercial development of biomass renewable fuel resource for energy production.
- Chevron: Bioenergy
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- Combined Landfill Projects Ltd.
UK specialists in the finance, design, construction and operation of landfill gas powered electricity generation projects.
- Consolidated Resource Recovery
Operates recycling facilities, processes all types of wood debris, and develops markets for several million tons of wood and biomass.
UK's University of Hull’s interdisciplinary research unit and regional centre of expertise for waste and pollution research, including recycling.
- Deltak, L.L.C.
Manufacturer of heat recovery boilers and steam generators for use in combined cycle, co-generation and alternative energy systems. Primary product applications include collection of waste from turbine exhaust streams, hazardous waste and trash incinerators. These heat boilers and generators are used to recycle waste into energy. Products are sold to municipalities and large corporate users. This company was capitalized by private investment and corporate investment.
- DynaMotive Technologies
Produces renewable fuel for power generation in diesel engines and gas turbines as well as an acid-free metal cleaning system.
- Echelon Manufacturing, Inc.
Manufacturer of gasifiers and programs ranging from centrifugal pump parts to ornamental iron products.
- Energy Products of Idaho
Supplier of waste fuel fired fluidized bed combustion/boiler technology. Focus on combustion and gasification of biomass and solid waste fuels.
- EnergyAnswers Corporation
Developers of integrated solid waste management solutions with "zero disposal" resource recovery technologies.
- European Energy Crops InterNetwork
Provider of research, development and implementation activities of energy crops representing european union countries.
- FAO Forest Energy Forum
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations department provides advisory and technical services and information to FAO members.
- Gas Separation Technology LLC
Developer of gas enrichment processes for small, low quality methane sources. Supplier of coalbed methane assessment, evaluation and research.
- GC Environmental, Inc.
International environmental engineering and landfill gas consulting company. Services include operation and maintenance.
- Handbook of Energy Crops
Electronic publication on Purdue University's Center for New Crops and Plant Production website. Provider of information on new and specialty crop profiles.
- Hurst Boiler & Welding, Inc.
A supplier of gas, oil & wood fired boilers as well as manufacturer of a complete line of boiler room peripherals such as blowdown separators' surge tanks, pressurized feed water tanks, steam accumulators and stacks.
- Indeck Energy
An International developer and owner of cogeneration and independent power plants. Services include fuels, asset, and project management as well as project financing.
- Montenay Energy Resources of Montgomery County Inc.
Operators of world wide waste to energy facilities including collection, hauling, recycling and composting.
- Nature's Furnace Inc.
Nature's Furnace has invented a "bio-mass reactor" system capable of producing and capturing the large amount of energy/heat created from the combustion of biomass (natural wastes).
Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment manages national and international government programs including renewable energy sources.
- Phyllis
A database from the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation containing information on the composition of biomass and waste.
- Platform Bio-Energie
The Netherlands Bioenergy Association promotes interests of all Dutch companies involved in the biomass for energy chain.
- Primenergy
A designer and manufacturer of biomass energy conversion equipment, with designs which incorporate low temperature, air starved, gasification of biomatter to produce an energy source for electricity generation, steam production, process heat, or any combination of these useful forms of energy.
- PRM Energy Systems
Design and build biomass fired reactor/gasifiers using a variety of biomass fuels.
- Rutgers University Utilities Department
Website provides Busch Cogeneration facility virtual tour. Tour includes cogeneration engineering links and facility overview.
- Steam & Control Systems, Inc.
Provider in the power and process industry offering engineering and construction solutions including gas turbines and turnkey projects,
- T.R. Miles Consulting
Consultants who assist the development, design and installation of industrial systems for materials handling and biomass energy.
- TradeWind Insurance Brokerage
Provider of financial products and services to the energy industry specializing in alternative and renewable energy fields.
- Transnational Technology
A biomass energy R&D consulting service and technology transfer and innovation marketplace.
- TREElectric Pty Ltd
Australian suppliers of power gasification systems and biomass energy cropping.
- Trigen Energy
Develops, owns and operates commercial and industrial energy systems which convert fuel to various forms of thermal energy and electricity.
- WoodFuel.com
Intermediary between buyers and suppliers in the wood fuel industry through use of internet technology.
- Yankee Energy
An engineering firm offering design, building and maintenance of turnkey biomass cogeneration facilities
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