Primary Energy Consumption 03-04-2005 11:21 pm

Primary Energy Consumption per region. Asia Pacific consumption has grown by 62% in 13 years and is the global driver of increasing consumption. The Middle east, Africa and S&C America have also grown substantially. Europe has declined - driven by stable Western European consumption along with the decline of eastern European and Russia heavy industry.
Primary Energy Consumption per country
Primary Energy Consumption - the 12 largest consuming countries. Note China's big increase in consumption sinec 2001 and it's slowdown in 1997 after the Asian financial crisis - China is the global "driver". Also notice that Russia has decreased after heavy industry closed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1980s. The USA has grown slightly, but less than trend GDP growth of some 3% per annum - this suggest conservation and less reliance of energy intensive industry. India's consumption has doubled in the last ten year - and is expected to keep growing like China at high rates for the foreseeable future.
Primary Energy Consumption - per region since 1965. Note massive large growth from 3,950 to 10,500 Million Tonnnes Oil Equivalent in this period. Asia Pacific has grown markedly since 2001.
Primary Energy Consumption - per region in 2007 - all key forms of primary energy (nuclear, coal, natural gas and oil) - including total (red)
Primary Energy Consumption - per region in 2007 - all key forms of primary energy (nuclear, coal, natural gas and oil)

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